1. | 屁股the part of the body that you sit on |
2. | 流浪乞丐;无业游民a person who has no home or job and who asks other people for money or food |
a beach bum(= sb who spends all their time on the beach, without having a job) 海滨流浪汉 |
3. | 懒汉;游手好闲者a lazy person who does nothing for other people or for society |
He's nothing but a no-good bum! 他不过是个没用的懒汉。 |
They're not bothered about attracting the right audience─they just want bums on seats. 他们不在乎观众是什么样的人,只求卖座。 |
They're not bothered about attracting the right audience─they just want bums on seats. 他们不在乎观众是什么样的人,只求卖座。 |
He was soon given the bum's rush from the club. 他很快从俱乐部里被撵了出来。 |
He was soon given the bum's rush from the club. 他很快从俱乐部里被撵了出来。 |