1. | 严肃的;坚定的;阴冷的looking or sounding very serious |
a grim face/look/smile 严肃的面孔╱表情;冷笑 | |
She looked grim. 她表情严肃。 | |
with a look of grim determination on his face 他脸上带有的坚定不移的神态 | |
grim-faced policemen 表情严肃的警察 |
2. | 令人不快的;令人沮丧的unpleasant and depressing |
grim news 令人沮丧的消息 | |
We face the grim prospect of still higher unemployment. 我们面临着失业率进一步上升的暗淡前景。 | |
The outlook is pretty grim. 前景令人甚感忧虑。 | |
Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry. 对建筑业的工人来说,形势看来很不乐观。 |
3. | 无吸引力的;阴森的;凄凉的not attractive; depressing |
The house looked grim and dreary in the rain. 这房子在雨中显得阴郁凄凉。 | |
the grim walls of the prison 令人抑郁的监狱四壁 |
4. | [nbn] (informal) 生病的;不舒服的ill/sick |
I feel grim this morning. 我今天早上感到不舒服。 |
5. | [nubn] (informal) 质量低劣;糟糕of very low quality |
Their performance was fairly grim, I'm afraid! 很遗憾,他们的表现真不怎么样! |