New Forest Basics Bank Lymington

New Forest Basics Bank    

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New Forest Basics Bank is a charity that provides food and other essentials for people in need in the New Forest. We cover from the Beaulieu river in the East to Lyndhurst in the north to New …
New Forest Basics Bank is a charity that provides food and other essentials for people in need in the New Forest. We cover from the Beaulieu river in the East to Lyndhurst in the north to New Milton/Barton/Bransgore in the west.


5.0/5 · 4 条评论
What a wonderful service. I went today with our newly arrived Ukranian guest and what a warm welcome we received. You were all so kind thankyou so much. Lianne Allen的完整评论
Have never had to use a food bank but I know ppl who have, and they have said the food bank saved their lives. X Trish Goddard的完整评论
