In the heart of the infamous Red Light District, this erotic theater stages some of the spiciest shows in town. You can catch a peep show, captivating pole …
When you first walk in you feel a little seedy, but you quickly relax as simply put, everyone is in the same boat and has paid to watch sex. The girls are pretty, and the boys are big,,, and this act… sarahed72的完整评论
Pretty unique experience. Not the place i would like to go twice, but for 1 time it was pretty cool. I will recommend you to find the seats in the 1 or 2 row, otherwise you will not see much. Tanja_Markhus的完整评论
My wife and I thought this would be something fun and unique to see. We really enjoyed it. We arrived around 7:15 right after it opened. The theater was about 35% full when we arrived and it ended up… David P的完整评论