Big Lots stores across the country are set to close, following the company’s recent bankruptcy filing, and Kilgore’s location ...
Nearly 50 additional Big Lots stores are set to close as the company navigates through its Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection ...
消息传来,本周美国著名零售商必乐透(Big Lots)表示将在近期申请破产,并计划通过法院监督的程序出售旗下连锁店。至此,一家拥有1400多家门店的零售巨头走到悬崖边。 成立于1967年的Big ...
Big Lots is planning to close stores as it goes through Chapter 11 bankruptcy. A store in Maryland left BI confused about the ...
几个月来,由于高利率和低迷的房地产市场放缓了消费者对新家具、装饰和其他家居用品的需求,Big Lots一直在破产边缘徘徊。虽然折扣零售商往往在艰难的经济周期中表现良好,但Big Lots主要面向中低收入消费者,后者更容易受到消费紧缩的影响。
The ddebt-ridden and bankrupt Big Lots is permanently closing its distribution center in Apple Valley, laying off all 349 ...
近日,折扣零售商Big Lots宣布申请第11章破产保护,这一消息无疑在零售行业引起了广泛的关注。作为一家成立于1967年的零售连锁企业,Big Lots曾因其丰富的折扣商品而受到消费者的青睐。然而,近年来其业绩持续下滑,面对日益激烈的市场竞争,该企业最终选择了这一法律途径以寻求财务重组。撇开破产保护的法律层面,我们有必要深究这一事件对于零售行业及消费者的深远影响。
Big Lots, the beleaguered discount retailer that previously warned it had “substantial doubt” about its survival, has filed ...
The company still has two other Austin locations – one on Spicewood Springs Road and another on East William Cannon Drive – ...
联商快讯: 9月9日消息,美国折扣家居用品零售商Big Lots已申请破产保护,同意以约7.6亿美元的价格将其业务出售给私募股权公司Nexus Capital Management,其中包括250万美元现金和剩余债务。 该公司在美国48个州经营着1300多家门店,是美国最大的特卖零售商之一,专门以低廉的价格出售各种家居用品。2023财年,该公司的收入约为47亿美元。但在近几年,销售额持续下滑。
美国知名零售商必乐透,终于还是宣布破产了! 8月底,据美国福克斯新闻网称,由于销售额大幅下降,美国知名零售商必乐透正在考虑申请破产保护。 而近日,最新消息显示,美国知名零售商必乐透(Big ...
Lenders to discount retailer Big Lots Inc. are talking to Nexus Capital Management about how the private equity firm would ...