例如,Neuralink联合创始人Max Hodak与马斯克分道扬镳后,自己带领团队进行冒险。他发明的技术叫“生物混合探针技术”,试图在体外培养神经元,嵌入电子设备,然后植入大脑,形成新的生物连接。
Neuralink is trial testing a fully-implantable brain-computer interface (BCI) aims to help individuals with quadriplegia ...
In a post on X.com, Neuralink said it had been granted regulatory approval for "a new feasibility trial to extend BCI control ...
Elon Musk's brain-computer interface (BCI) company is entering its next phase of experiments: seeing if patients can move a ...
Neuralink公司宣布,其已正式获得加拿大卫生部的审批,将着手开展脑机接口(Brain-Computer Interface,简称BCI)系统的深入研究。
在当今科技飞速发展的时代,很多人都在寻找能够抗衰老、延缓衰老的科技手段。脑机接口(Brain-Computer Interface, BCI)技术,作为一种全新的研究领域,不仅在医学上展现出了广阔的前景,更有望成为未来抗衰老的重要工具。
Neuralink said it has received a green light for a new clinical study to test the feasibility of connecting its ...
Morgan Stanley's latest report pegs the BCI market at $400 billion — signaling to investors that this revolutionary ...
Neuralink is conducting its PRIME study, aimed at evaluating the safety of its wireless brain-computer interface and surgical ...
Elon Musk’s brain implant company is launching a new study to test whether its wireless device can control a robotic arm.
Neuralink has announced its entering the next phase of development of a brain-computer interface that involves the use of ...
Specializing in neurotechnologies, the American startup Neuralink has already made a name for itself by implanting a chip in ...