慢性肾脏病(CKD)具有患病率高、知晓率低、预后差和医疗费用高等特点,已成为全球性的公共卫生问题。CKD常见并发症包括肾性贫血、高钾血症、心力衰竭等,严重影响患者生活质量,显著增加死亡风险。因此,延缓CKD进展,积极防治并发症,降低死亡风险成为CKD ...
该研究具有重要的公共卫生意义。首先,证实了早期烟草烟雾暴露显著增加成年期CKD发病风险,强调了早期预防和戒烟对降低CKD风险的重要性。其次,表明开始吸烟年龄越早,成年期CKD风险越高,突出了保护儿童和青少年免受烟草烟雾暴露的必要性,呼吁加强公共场所无 ...
近期,十铨科技在其高端品牌T-FORCE下,推出了一款令人瞩目的XTREEM CKD DDR5 8800内存产品。这款专为台式机设计的内存条仅有48GB(2x24GB)的容量版本,但其所具备的强大性能和创新技术,已令众多科技爱好者和专业人士感到兴奋。
近期,十铨科技正式推出了一款隶属于T-FORCE品牌的XTREEM CKD DDR5内存产品,专为台式机设计。这款内存条的规格颇为独特,目前市场上仅提供2x24GB的组合套装,即总容量为96GB的版本。 据十铨科技介绍,这款XTREEM CKD ...
IT之家 12 月 4 日消息,十铨科技推出了一款 T-FORCE 品牌的 XTREEM CKD DDR5 8800 2x24GB 台式机内存条,目前仅提供双 48GB 套条,也就是 96GB 版本可选。
Researchers sought to examine the relationship among coronary plaque characteristics, CAD extent, MACE, and all-cause mortality in patients with CKD. Calcified and low-attenuation plaque burdens ...
Purpose The evidence evaluating the efficacy of i.v. versus oral iron for the treatment of iron deficiency in non-hemodialysis-dependent patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is reviewed.
On 15 November 2024 at the American Heart Association (AHA) conference in Chicago, Illinois, during a cardiovascular seminar session on the topic of emerging therapies for the treatment of ...
Anemia and other contributing factors are common causes of fatigue in chronic kidney disease (CKD). Healthy lifestyle habits and taking steps to meet your nutritional needs can help. If you have ...