台湾主要石化制造商台塑集团(Formosa Plastics)的一名高阶主管传出在中国遭到拘留,台湾政府星期四(9月19日)表示已掌握相关情况。
Known for its free-to-play structure and team collaboration, “League of Legends” is one of the most popular games in the ...
美国演员工会近日指责音频制作公司Formosa Interactive试图颠覆电子游戏罢工,因为该公司曾参与制作过拳头游戏《英雄联盟》以及许多其他游戏。工会呼吁要对《英雄联盟》进行罢工,称该公司试图取消该游戏,但遭到拒绝后将其转移给非工会成员的演员进行录音表演工作。
"League of Legends" is caught in the middle of a dispute between Hollywood's actors union and an audio company that provides ...
After previously being exempt from inclusion in the ongoing video game actors strike, Riot Games' "League of Legends" has ...
SAG-AFTRA has officially called a strike against League of Legends, with the union saying that a company that produces the ...
In a statement, the union said it believes actions by the company Formosa Interactive - which provides art and audio services ...
美国演员工会-美国电视和广播艺术家联合会(SAG-AFTRA)近日发表声明,指责音频制作巨头Formosa Interactive在电子游戏行业的罢工行动中扮演了不光彩的角色,称其“企图破坏罢工秩序”。这一指责源于Formosa曾深度参与包括拳头游戏 ...
美国演员工会-美国电视和广播艺术家联合会(SAG-AFTRA)近日宣称,音频制作公司 FormosaInteractive“试图颠覆电子游戏罢工”。因为这家公司曾参与制作过拳头游戏 Riot Games ...
The SAG-AFTRA union has called a League of Legends strike, Riot Games has issued a statement distancing itself from the ...
The union charges one of the multiplayer game's producers, Formosa Interactive, with attempting to work around its ongoing ...