新新併「网内互打」延烧,新光金大股东林伯翰以「新光金创始股东」名义,发出给小股东与外资股东一封千字文信件,认为支持「新新併」的外资机构ISS分析有重大缺陷,强烈建议股东们重新审视此合併案,支持新新併的大股东新胜及新光实业今日发出声明反击,认为林伯翰曲 ...
SpaceX's two-person Crew-9 mission is scheduled to arrive at the International Space Station today (Sept. 29), and you can ...
It’s not a rescue mission, but the two astronauts left behind by Boeing’s Starliner at the International Space Station will ...
Jam packed issues filled with the latest cutting-edge research, technology and theories delivered in an entertaining and ...
A Falcon 9 launched a NASA astronaut and Russian cosmonaut to the ISS Sept. 28 on the first crewed mission from a historic ...
The Crew-9 launch on Sept. 28 will be SpaceX's first from its SLC-40 pad at the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida ...
中信金退出竞逐后,新新併能否成案取决10月9日股东临时会,外资态度动见观瞻。台新金总经理林维俊26日表示,外资对于新新併正面以对,他也公布好消息,「两大外资投票顾问机构ISS与Glass Lewis都建议在台新股临会中,赞成合併案」。
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket lifts off carrying NASA's SpaceX Crew-9, Nick Hague and Roscosmos cosmonaut Alexander Gorbunov, to ...
随着SpaceX龙飞船的成功发射,被困于国际空间站的两名宇航员似乎能够回家了。01太空“大营救”正式起航美国东部时间周六(9月28日)下午1时17分,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)与SpaceX公司合作的Crew-9任务(第九次为国际空间站运送轮换宇 ...
该项目作为新疆塔里木盆地南缘今年首台投产火电机组、主力支撑电源,投产后将承担电网调峰、调频、调相、旋转备用等任务,并支撑环塔750千伏电网安全稳定运行。项目规划建设了ISS(智慧管理信息系统)、ICS(智能DCS控制系统)、智慧燃料管控系统等智慧电厂 ...