SAG-AFTRA is looking to represent intimacy coordinators, as the union has been on the forefront of the profession's industry ...
SAG-AFTRA said it has filed an election petition to represent intimacy coordinators employed by companies in the Alliance of ...
一位拒绝提供姓名的在职编剧和前剧集主管对《好莱坞报道》表示, 编剧工会罢工是“工会历史上最大的自残之一”。 他补充说,停工让公司有时间反思并一次性进行深度财务削减,而不是随着时间的推移慢慢缩减。
SAG-AFTRA filed a petition with the National Labor Relations Board to represent intimacy coordinators in bargaining with the ...
Two years after SAG-AFTRA indicated that it wanted to bring intimacy coordinators into the union, the labor group has taken a ...
In a statement this Tuesday, SAG-AFTRA added League of Legends to the list of videogames under strike: "SAG-AFTRA members ...
SAG-AFTRA has added "League of Legends" to its list of struck video games to punish Formosa Interactive for alleged unfair ...
在好莱坞的璀璨星河中,2023年的一场声势浩大的罢工犹如一颗震撼弹,引发了全球影视界的广泛关注。美国演员工会SAG-AFTRA与编剧工会WGA联手,为改善待遇、抵制AI威胁而展开了一场长达数月的抗争。如今,罢工结束一周年之际,我们不禁要问:这场斗争是 ...
As the video game voice actor strike continues, SAG-AFTRA has added League of Legends to its list of struck video games. The ...
The SAG-AFTRA union has called a League of Legends strike, Riot Games has issued a statement distancing itself from the ...
美国演员工会-美国电视和广播艺术家联合会(SAG-AFTRA)近日宣称,音频制作公司 FormosaInteractive“试图颠覆电子游戏罢工”。因为这家公司曾参与制作过拳头游戏 Riot Games ...
Until a few hours ago, League Of Legends was one of a handful of video games not impacted by the ongoing SAG-AFTRA video game ...