Ralph de la Torre will step down as CEO of troubled Steward Health Care next week, the company said on Saturday, after he was ...
Ralph de la Torre, the controversial chief executive officer of one of the nation’s largest private health systems, Steward ...
With his affinity for luxury yachts and corporate jets, de la Torre became a symbol of greed in for-profit health care, amid ...
Ralph de la Torre will step down from his role as CEO of Steward Health Care as the for-profit network of hospitals and ...
The CEO of a hospital operator that filed for bankruptcy protection in May will step down after failing to testify before a U ...
Another unanticipated wrinkle in the Steward Health Care drama has come to light, and the head of the state’s largest nursing ...
De la Torre's resignation comes as proceedings continue in Steward's Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which so far have resulted in the ...
The Senate approved a resolution​ on Wednesday that was intended to hold Ralph de la Torre in criminal contempt for failing to testify​ before a committee.
He's leaving the bankrupt company after all of its hospitals in Massachusetts were either closed, sold or seized.
A spokesperson said the health executive is disappointed that lawmakers decided “to continue their violations of Dr. de la ...
美国参议院一致投票决定以刑事藐视国会罪起诉Steward Health Care首席执行官Ralph de la Torre。这一决定于周三做出,此前de la Torre拒绝在9月12日参议院卫生、教育、劳工和养老金委员会的听证会上作证。de la Torre被传唤讨论Steward在申请破产前对其医院采取的成本削减措施。 委员会此前曾听取护士和公职人员的证词,他们声称Steward将利润置于患 ...