Electrical conductivity measures the ability of water to conduct an electrical current. The higher the concentration of dissolved charged chemicals (also known as salts) in the water, the greater the ...
Thermal conductivity is a cornerstone in the science of thermodynamics and heat transfer. Thermal conductivity (λ) is the ability of a material to transfer heat energy across a given distance. This ...
Figure 3 is a basic list of metal conductivity. The precious metal, silver on top, like gold below copper, are pricey and often used only sparingly in applications like contacts. Though the other ...
Kwapuliński, P. Rasek, J. and Gierak, Z. 1988. Scattering of conductivity electrons on grain boundaries in metals. Physica Status Solidi (a), Vol. 107, Issue. 1, p. 299.
H. Wilson's theory 1,2 of semi-conductivity. The accompanying curves (Fig. 1) illustrate the decrease in the electrical resistance of tellurium by the addition of copper and antimony.