In accordance with these basic principles, China practices a regional ethnic autonomy system. Where national minorities live in compact communities, autonomous organs of self-government are ...
In China regional autonomy for ethnic minorities is a basic policy adopted by the Chinese government in line with the actual conditions of China, and also an important part of the political system ...
d. The claim of autonomy for our Chaldean Syriac Assyrian people is a political claim. It is in agreement with the Iraqi constitution whose articles consist of ethnic and political rights as well as ...
May 2012: A senior member of HP’s Autonomy unit raises concerns about Autonomy’s accounting practices. Whitman hires PricewaterhouseCoopers to investigate. Meanwhile, Whitman announces the lay ...
In 1976, Congress passed a law that required the government to collect and analyze data for a specific ethnic group: “Americans of Spanish origin or descent.” That legislation defined this group as ...
A Civil Society Organization, Nigerian Ethnic Nationality Youth Leaders Council Worldwide, has hailed the Supreme Court judgement which granted full financial autonomy to the local government areas.
First of all, race is primarily unitary. You can only have one race, while you can claim multiple ethnic affiliations. You can identify ethnically as Irish and Polish, but you have to be ...
Navigating a multicultural society is easier if you recognize the powerful influence of race and culture on human behavior, say many ethnic studies scholars. Ethnic studies is an interdisciplinary ...
Sampanthan, a senior ethnic Tamil leader and lawmaker, who became the face of the minority community's campaign for autonomy in Sri Lanka since the end of a brutal quarter-century civil war, has died.
As I think the company does have some strengths, however, I'm going to argue that it is a Hold until more progress is made on its vehicle autonomy. Where many of the megacaps are known for ...
The ethical principle of autonomy refers to self-determination and encompasses veracity, disclosure/informed consent, confidentiality, and promise keeping. [4] Applying the principle of autonomy ...