中環雖然美味的餐廳雲集,但說起印度菜真的得幾間,主打素食印度菜更是寥寥無幾。位於亞畢諾道奧華酒店Ovolo Central的地下的Veda Café and Bar,絕對是一個素食印度菜獨樹一幟的存在。這家餐廳由Avni Jhunjhnuwala帶領 ...
The primary list of options available to the user at the computer. The main menu is the starting point; for example, in Windows, the Start menu is the main menu. In the Mac, both the Apple menu ...
A menu is a list of dishes or beverages that are available for customers to purchase. By law, outlets must display the menu at or near the entrance so potential customers can study it before ...
這些菜式就不是其他餐廳會有的 ... 所謂南部菜是來自泰國布吉島一帶,他們有其自身的特別文化和飲食 menu,而並非一般的冬蔭功咁簡單。所以如果你渴望食普通泰菜的話,這裡就未必滿足 ...
It’s called a ‘dopamine menu’, and it’s swept the internet recently, being praised for its ability to pull us out of our doomscrolling habits and inject some much-needed satisfaction in ...
你亦可以選擇他們的套餐,有6道菜的 tasting menu 和9道菜的 tasting menu,可以一次過嘗試多種不同菜式和甜品,喜歡的話還可以加錢搭配合適的紅酒白酒,令食物更鮮味,氣氛更浪漫。 價錢方面 ...
At Uppercrust, every single sandwich is crafted with fresh veggies, proteins, and cheeses. Our menu is custom made with YOUR time in mind. Our friendly staff and the welcoming warm environment is here ...
Tasting menus are a fun little way to try a little of something from some of the city’s best restaurants. During the last few months alone, D.C. have seen an outpour of new or improved experiences ...
冷盤菜式以陳年花雕浸阿拉斯加蟹腳作主打 ... 最近推出全新升級版的四人份特別節日菜單 Special Occasion Menu (港幣$3,888),最適合與家人好友分享。頭盤有3款,分別是龍蝦意大利雲吞、經典特級 ...
There’s a school of thought that says wine is not a good pairing for sushi, that the only authentic approach to complimenting the myriad of flavors and textures of an Omakase tasting menu is to ...