Rhenium and technetium not only share the same group in the periodic table, but also have some common history relating to how they were — or indeed weren't — discovered. Eric Scerri explains ...
Rhenium is element 75 in the periodic table and in many ways a rather unusual element. It is one of the rarest elements on the Earth with an abundance of something like 1 part per million. It is also ...
铼(Rhenium)是一种过渡难熔金属,熔点为3,180°C,具有所有难熔金属中**的弹性模量(420 GPa)。含铼和铼的合金具有独特的高熔点,高弹性模量和优异的高温机械性能。 因为其高熔点特性 ...
日前,铜陵有色集团金冠铜业分公司铜冶炼烟气污酸提铼工业化项目试运行取得突破。随着第一罐纯白色铼酸铵产品顺利下线,金冠铜业分公司成功通过工业化生产从铜冶炼烟气污酸中回收铼 ...
If you would like to learn more about the IAEA’s work, sign up for our weekly updates containing our most important news, multimedia and more. Theranostic radiopharmaceuticals have shown tremendous ...
博铼(6572)今(12)日宣布,与巴西Biomedica Equipamentos e Suprimentos Hospitalares Ltda.(以下简称Biomedica Brazil)建立战略合作关系。博铼的πCode专利检测平台及癌症 ...
方美铼(左七)主持开球仪式,右起陈财钦、锺瑞安、姚展彪及威南篮球分会主席锺瑞丰,右八为许银添。左起许崇明、林松海、胡顺兴。(谢梅虹 ...
If you would like to learn more about the IAEA’s work, sign up for our weekly updates containing our most important news, multimedia and more.
方美铼:“任何政党每当经历党选,不管是改朝换代,或有一些变动都是家常便饭。”(刘黄来摄) (槟城7日讯)民主行动党槟州组织秘书方美铼 ...