If you’re preparing your taxes, you'll file federal income tax Form 1040. Because tax laws change often, Form 1040 might have subtle differences from year to year. Form 1040 is the main form ...
W2 Form: A W2 form is the wage and tax statement provided by your employer. W2's are issued to everyone who worked and was paid by an employer during the previous year unless all wages were exempt ...
He hired a CPA to prepare his returns and dutifully signed and sent the CPA Form 8879 IRS e-file Signature Authorization. He did this for his 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 returns. Then disaster struck.
Obtaining a new EIN before year-end can be quite difficult with the online application shutdown. Fortunately, there are ...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is encouraging taxpayers who plan to file their 2024 tax returns early in 2025 to secure ...
Starting in the 2025 filing season, the IRS said it would begin accepting accept Forms 1040, 1040-NR and 1040-SS, even if a ...