Workshops at Bechtel Innovation Design Center give students the opportunity to practice and perfect machining skills that they can apply to academic or personal projects. Workshop projects include ...
A dedicated workspace for 3D printing, AR and VR projects, physical computing, and more. Sponsored in part by Sharon and Bob Napier, the workshop gives students access to the latest technologies in a ...
「2024金点设计奖」于9月2日在台北松山文创园区进行复审,从上千件作品中选出642件得奖作品,涵盖产品、传达、空间及整合设计四大类别,来自全球14个地区。其中空间设计类有150件作品获奖,并将于9月9日进行决审,争夺「年度最佳设计奖」及「年度特别奖 ...
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Tomorrow we'll be hosting the latest MasterClass workshop on Game Economy Design - and there's still time to grab your ticket! The event kicks off at 4pm BST on Wednesday, September ...
Architecture students have been told that design workshop sessions will be held in a “marquee tent” on campus throughout the next academic year, after plans to build new studio space were not ...
The Design Thinking Workshop Series will offer 4 incredibly fun and highly-interactive workshops to teach design thinking. We take a learning by doing approach in each of the workshops so that by the ...
As part of our mission to provide graduate students and postdoctoral fellows with the resources they need to succeed, the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Professional Development offers workshop ...
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving realm of graphic design, a captivating logo serves as a visual anchor for brands, conveying identity, values, and professionalism. As businesses increasingly ...
中国创新的过去与未来:在火药的故乡对话“中国诺贝尔” 时值我国改革开放40周年之际,新华社记者独家对话中国工程院院士、南京理工大学教授王泽山,听他讲述中国创新的过去与未来。 “中国硅谷”探寻“世界坐标”——创新发展的南山实践 南山 ...
The Dezeen team is reporting live from London Design Festival, which takes place 14-22 September. Read on for all the ...
据故宫博物院书画部的杨丹霞说,折扇的起源有可能是在日韩,明人的笔记中,常提到“倭扇”,所描摹的正是折扇形制。苏轼有一首《杨主簿日本扇》,其中戏言到:“扇从日本来,风非日本风。风非扇中出,问风本何从。风亦不自知,当复问太空。空若是风穴,既自与物同。同物 ...