Initial widescreen technology didn't make full use of a 35mm frame, cropping part of it and leaving it empty. Thus, ...
Distortion measures at -1.32% barrel, a good result for a 35mm lens. Further correction can be undertaken in software if required, although this is unlikely to be needed in most images.
新晋国产光学品牌——和平光学,即将发布其第一款镜头产品35mm F1.4。据悉,和平光学Peace Lens Atelier于2022年在深圳成立,怀揣着对经典光学设计的敬仰,致力于将那些曾经引领摄影艺术发展的传奇镜头带回现代。该品牌声称目标并非复制 ...
It's just the bare camera module, the design is still kept secret. The aperture can be smoothly adjusted instead of jumping between the two extremes.