“万物共享数字未来”(A Digital Future For All)论坛由联合国秘书长技术事务特使办公室(OSET)、国际电信联盟(ITU)和联合国开发计划署(UNDP)联合举办。作为联合国峰会未来行动日(Summit of the Future ...
In an innovative leap for telecommunications, Japanese companies AGC and NTT Docomo have developed the WAVEAntenna, a cutting ...
Intel: These innovations are set to enhance connectivity speed and stability, thus establishing a robust foundation for a ...
Events: Data Centres are not just vital for the success of 5G but are also essential for advancing science with 5G, ...
在延津县,万亩高标准农田里的夏玉米已进入灌浆期,该阶段浇水增肥是增加产量、保障丰产丰收的关键。在塔铺街道大柳树村的高标准农田里,几十米宽的大型平移式喷灌机似巨鸟展翅,在田间缓缓移动,“羽翼”下的几十个喷头喷出均匀的“水雾墙”,滋润着庄稼,让玉米“吃饱喝足”。中国移动5G水肥一体化智能灌溉技术将灌溉和施肥两个农业生产过程融合在一起,不仅实现了浇地向浇苗转变,还能将水连同肥料直接输送到玉米地里,让玉米 ...
在过去的一年里,科技巨头如谷歌、华为和英伟达已相继推出了各自的机器学习天气预测模型,这些模型能够在短短数秒内生成天气预测结果。然而,Brightband则着眼于中长期预报,力图在10至14天的时间框架内提供可靠的天气预测,且其预测将仅依赖于历史天气观 ...
G integrations for homeland security, safe cities, civil security and defense markets empowers next-generation video streaming ...
Verizon Business and Vay Technology announced an agreement bringing Verizon 5G connectivity to Vay’s fleet of teleoperated ...
今晚,总部位于上海的SPAC:Future Vision II Acquisition ...
After making their debut in 2023 under KQ Entertainment, home of the K-pop powerhouse group, ATEEZ, xikers has made a name ...
Juniper Research, experts in telecommunications markets, has revealed a clear generational divide in the willingness of UK ...
Now live in Las Vegas, offers remotely driven electric vehicles (EV) that can be rented by the minute. When requesting a ...