美国最高航空监管机构下令暂时停飞部分波音737 Max 9 飞机以进行安全检查。 这架投入使用仅八周的飞机从俄勒冈州波特兰市起飞前往加利福尼亚州 ...
"The Max 9 grounding is probably the straw that broke ... The company faced intense scrutiny after two fatal crashes of 737 Max 8 passenger jets in 2018 and 2019, which killed 346 people.
目前澳大利亚的航空公司并未运营这款机型,仅有两家外国航空公司——新加坡胜安航空和斐济航空飞来澳大利亚的部分航班由波音737 MAX-8飞机执飞。
Just days after two Delta planes collided, an Alaska Airlines flight nearly collided with a Southwest jet in Nashville.
Boeing has told a US court it was not guilty of concealing information about flight control systems on its 737 Max aircraft, which led to two crashes, killing 346 people. Flaws in the systems were ...
8 月 8 日消息,美国波音公司周二宣布,计划对 737 MAX 9 客机进行设计修改,以防止类似今年 1 月阿拉斯加航空一架 737 MAX 9 客机发生的空中舱门脱落 ...
The two fatal crashes by Boeing's 737 Max planes that killed almost 350 people prompted deep soul-searching for the world's largest planemaker and probing questions for the bodies tasked with ...
这是 A320neo,空客公司最畅销的飞机型号,而这是它的竞争对手,波音 737 MAX。 前者让空客超越波音,成为世界上最大的飞机制造商。而后者却差点把波音公司推下悬崖。 作为曾经飞机制造业毫无争议的霸主,如今的波音却身陷多起飞机 ...
The Ethiopian Airlines crash prompted many countries to ground ... t be overly concerned about the fallout from the Boeing 737 Max 9 incident. Airlines can buy planes from different aerospace ...
Other airlines kept flying the 737 Max 8 after Boeing said it was safe. Shares in Boeing fell by 12.9% on Monday in the wake of the crash. US Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao said the FAA ...
Westbrook is a journalist and longtime member of the Seattle tech community who was the first paying customer aboard Alaska Airlines’ first commercial 737-MAX 9 flight… Read More Boeing says ...