Behind closed doors I witnessed a side-by-side comparison to the earlier Sony A95K and the differences were night and day. Now that's a ridiculously impressive feat given just how bright and ...
在智能设备市场中,索尼再次引起了广泛关注,推出了一款革命性的全景OLED电视——A95K。这款电视不仅在设计上打破了常规,更在技术上实现了显著的突破,使其在当前竞争激烈的市场中占据了优势。A95K的推出标志着索尼在电视技术领域的一次重大飞跃,尤其是在展现逼真图像和增强观影体验方面,成为用户的理想之选。 索尼A95K采用了最新的OLED屏幕技术,具有自发光的特性,使得每个像素都可以独立控制亮度和颜色 ...
As the holiday season approaches, finding the perfect gift for your loved ones can be a challenge. If you’re looking for ...