骆驼漆是紫荆花母公司叶氏化工集团于2018年收购的、拥有92年发展历史的综合涂料品牌,是中国香港及澳门装饰涂料、建筑涂料及工业涂料市场的领导品牌之一,其坚持澳洲配方及进口高品质原料,在香港市场具有超过90%的市场覆盖率,在中国南部尤其大湾区市场具有较 ...
这些药物包括:优化肿瘤抗原释放和呈递的药物(放疗,化疗,癌症疫苗,溶瘤病毒),激活共刺激分子以改善抗原呈递细胞(APCs)活性(靶向ICOS,ICOSL,OX40,CD40和CD40L的受体激动剂),以及靶向先天免疫的药物,例如:模式识别受体(PRRs)、细胞因子、自然 ...
As the electorates go to poll a few hours from now to elect a governor who will take over from the outgoing governor, Godwin ...
The Ukrainian army needs an increase in mechanised weapons, specifically armoured personnel carriers (APCs), Bradley infantry ...
"Additionally, it will be around €40-50 million this year," Kasčiūnas told reporters. Read also: Lithuania to deliver M113 ...
9月11-13日,2024亚太涂料展览会(ASIA PACIFIC COATINGS SHOW)在印尼雅加达举办。赫达集团携Headcel纤维素醚亮相此次展会,以卓越的品牌实力和创新技术,为行业上下游企业及国外友商带来多元化的产品销售、产品咨询、技术服务等一站式解决方案。 关于APCS ASIA PACIFIC COATINGS SHOW由亚洲涂料协会主办,是东南亚和环太平洋地区领先的涂料盛会。自 ...
2024亚太 (印尼)涂料展览会 (Asia Pacific Coatings Show/APCS)于2024年9月11日至13日在雅加达会议中心 (JCC)举行,来自15个国家的230个涂料品牌参展。图左至右 : 周三 (11/9),Kelie Chemical World公司总裁Adiwan Djohanli、印尼展览公司协会 (Asperapi)主席Hosea Andreas、印尼涂料制造商 ...
The Bradley has proven to be useful for Ukraine as a maneuverable, versatile, and well-armed combat vehicle suited for combat ...
Insilico, a South Korean company specializing in manufacturing unique functional microcapsules, will showcase its new product, the "Fire Extinguishing Capsule," at APCS 2024, which will be held in ...
Milkor is showcasing the latest advancements in its vehicle range at the Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD) 2024 exhibition, ...
A state judge in Alaska struck down a law prohibiting anyone other than a licensed physician from performing abortions.