At the recent Adobe Max event, the company previewed a tool that might be able to help, which it calls Project Know How. It ...
快科技10月15日消息,今日,阿维塔宣布阿维塔12增程版开启预售,新车定档11月2日上市并交付,2千元意向金可抵扣5千元大定。阿维塔12增程版和现款在售车型,在外观和内饰设计上没有太大变化,唯独动力由此前的纯… ...
作为全球数字艺术家的动力引擎,Adobe肩负着减轻人工智能驱动的深度伪造、错误信息和内容盗窃的重大责任。 2025 年第一季度,Adobe 将推出其内容真实性网络应用的测试版,允许创作者将内容证书应用到他们的作品中,并将其认证为自己的作品。这并不像修改图片元数据那么简单--这种保护很容易被截图挫败。 内容凭据则将来源又向前推进了一步。 Adobe 的系统使用数字指纹、隐形水印和加密签名元数据来更安 ...
As the engine powering the world's digital artists, Adobe has a big responsibility to mitigate the rise of AI-driven ...
Adobe Firefly is the first AI video generator tool to be available for public use. It's safe for commercial use and now ...
The director and video editor believe the scene is three or four seconds short. The main character needs to stare off into ...
The generative AI tool, created through a collaboration with Adobe Firefly, will be available exclusively on for ...
Today, Gatorade announced the launch of a generative AI-powered design experience on its Gatorade iD free membership platform ...
2017 年 Snap 上市后,Snapchat 早期工程团队与研究院的技术骨干都实现了财富自由,没有了经济上的后顾之忧,也纷纷离开、出去创业。据统计,从 Snapchat 出来的员工一共创立了 50 余家公司,总融资额超过 97 亿美金,为硅谷之最 ...
Adobe周一在迈阿密举行的年度产品会议上宣布,其视频编辑软件 Premiere 中集成了一项功能,让用户能够使用生成式人工智能来扩展视频片段。其他可在线获取的工具让用户能够根据文本提示和现有图像制作视频。 尽管OpenAI、Meta ...
PEP looks well-poised for growth on strength in its core categories, diversified portfolio, improved digital capabilities and ...