这次“水韵江苏”之美采风在美国、日本、韩国以3种语言同时发布,并被当地主流媒体、门户网站及重点资讯网站广泛转载落地,总量达644家次,传播总量超2.6亿。同时,江苏省最大的英文网站The Nanjinger及旗下杂志《The ...
Recently, according to Shapingba Culture and Tourism Development Committee, at 2024 Inbound Tourism High Quality Development ...
The Mid-Autumn Festival in China is a festival in honor of the moon and harvest, as well as an occasion for family and friend reunions to eat mooncakes and appreciate the moon. As the festival draws ...
Li Shulei, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and head of the Publicity ...
Editor's note: China's Nanjing Yunjin brocade, with a history of more than 1,600 years, is famous for its elegant patterns ...
Distinguished guests visited Shanghai Museum East Branch on Saturday for a Chinese heritage tour as an appetizer for the 36th ...
(视频来源:浏阳市文化馆)浏阳古乐享有“中国雅乐的活化石”“国乐古礼在浏阳”的美誉。被列为国家级非物质文化遗产代表性项目保护名录。该视频为戊戌年(2018年9月28日孔子诞辰日)浏阳秋季祭孔大典。举行亚献礼时,主祭官向孔子行礼,歌舞生表演羽籥舞,表达对孔子的崇敬与怀念,弘扬中华传统文化。在祭孔大典仪式中, ...
The event highlighted the vibrant diversity of international cultural exchanges, with the China Cultural Center in Malta featuring an eye-catching booth. The booth drew visitors to explore exquisite ...
As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the "Guangfu Yuehua Dream" Mid-Autumn Fair has officially kicked off on the Beijinglu Pedestrian Street. Running from September 9 to September 15, the event feat ...
“Create Hangzhou”, a cultural and creative industry promotion platform, is committed to promoting the innovative designs ...
The 2024 version of "Painted Skin" will feature a new cast, new musical score, and new excerpts from the literary source.
China is willing to work with Liberia to implement the outcomes of the 2024 FOCAC Summit and bring the two countries' newly ...