药材基源:为棕榈科植物槟榔的果皮。 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Areca catechu L. 采收和储藏:冬、春二季采收成熟果实,剥下果皮,打松,乙水中浸泡,晒干,再打松除去外果皮。 【原形态】槟榔,乔木,高10-18m;不分枝,叶脱落后形成明显的环纹。羽状复叶 ...
Most Taiwanese were oppressed after the 228 Incident in the post-war period. Democracy advocate Peng Ming-min (彭明敏) in 1964 drafted A Declaration of Formosan Self-Salvation (台灣人民自救運動宣言) with his ...
Unripe or ripe nuts are shelled, boiled and sun-dried, then crushed with lime and catechu, a red, astringent extract made from boiled pieces of areca palm wood. The nuts can be bought and eaten in ...
The Areca Palm has become popular in India due to its aesthetic appeal and Vastu Shastra significance. It purifies air and symbolizes positive energy, making it ideal for homes and offices.
Areca growers in Karnataka experienced a rude shock recently when traders in north India rejected truckloads of their produce, citing poor quality. This hit the areca price in the market by nearly ...