北极熊画廊(北京)荣幸的宣布将于2024年9月15日(周日)推出中国著名当代艺术家沈敬东个展 “这世界缺点幽默”,展览由李裕君策展。将呈现艺术家近些年创作的艺术臻品30余幅,期待您的莅临!
The exterior of the building at 777 Nansuzhou Road, near the Zhejiang Road Bridge, was transformed into a stunning canvas, ...
会议期间将公布本届遗产保护奖项——凯克奖(Keck Award)的最终获选者。此次全球共有11个项目入围,上海市奉贤区博物馆文物保护与修复中心开展的“修复日记系列展览”项目已成功入围决赛名单,成为中国唯一入围该奖项决赛的项目。
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) embodies the cultural spirit of Lingnan. Guangdong, as a region that ...
EDITION RED LABEL 秉承艺术基因(artistic)、松弛态度(effortless)与性感锋芒(sexy)为核心特质,呈现一幅「大女主」式的当代女性肖像。 By 耿元发布时间: Sep 18, 2024 以现代艺术为灵感,融合精奢材质与工艺,创作摩登、洗练、隽永的档案式衣橱,释放女性强大的 ...
BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- A concert was held at the Great Hall of the People on Sunday night to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary of the People's Republic of China (PRC).
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溯空间荣幸呈现开馆展《極——时间的切片与标本》,这是一场集聚44位集中在长三角地区积极活跃的艺术家、多种媒介共荣的艺术家群展。他们的作品通过多样的创作形式,探讨世界、自身、空间以及人类情感的关系。向前奔跑与回溯过去究竟是否冲突,本次展览以通过记录时间 ...
Fan Di'an, chairman of China Artists Association, highlighted that games are a global cultural phenomenon, crucial in shaping youth cultural consumption. He stressed that games serve as a cultural and ...
The very final Brooklyn Brewery Bar Crawls of 2024 is scheduled for Saturday, October 12. Tickets include a beer on arrival ...