Matt Aubry, executive director of the Organization for Responsible Governance (ORG), told Guardian Business that campaign ...
成功连任的欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)星期二(9月17日)公布未来五年欧盟这个主要行政机构新团队的人员构成,六位被她提名的副主席中有两名男士,而女士则多达四位。
Restlawn Memory Gardens & Funeral Home near West Salem said it received complaints because the flag was touching the ground.
At a roundtable event for her new movie Never Let Go in New York City, the Oscar-winning actress, 58, opened up about the ...
Halle Berry is helping her daughter through a difficult moment.
Aura Retail Achats Alimentaires will operate purchasing synergies for some 200 national brand FMCG manufacturers for the Intermarché-Netto, Auchan and Casino banners. The company, based in Massy (91), ...
日内瓦,2024 年 6 月 17 日--世界上唯一的高精密制表展(92%)、微技术(55%)和医药(53%)的展会在非常积极的气氛中落下帷幕(您所期待的报道,由【盈拓展览】为您整理)。
欧盟委员会内部市场委员、法国前财政部长蒂埃里·布雷东(Thierry Breton)因与欧委会主席冯德莱恩不睦,于9月16日愤然宣布辞职。法国总统马克龙随即提名不久前卸任的前外长、复兴党总书记斯特凡纳·塞茹尔内(Stéphane Séjourné)接替。
Consolidated Collision Services (CCS), a division of Consolidated Dealers Co-Operative Inc. has announced that, going forward, Charles Aubr ...
Halle Berry recalled an unpleasant mother-daughter moment with 16-year-old Nahla while chatting exclusively with E! News at ...
Intermarché, Auchan and Casino set up long-term purchasing partnership Intermarché, Auchan and Casino1 have cemented their ...