A school driver called Aung Kyaw Myo, also known as Aung Gyi, was arrested in May in connection with the alleged rape. He was released for lack of evidence before being rearrested and charged.
He had been sentenced in January. He was one of four activists - including Ko Jimmy, whose real name is Kyaw Min Yu, Hla Myo Aung and Aung Thura Zaw - whose death sentences were confirmed that day.
Kyaw San Min, the chief editor of Dawei Watch ... The statement said the security forces told Myo Myint Oo and Aung San Oo they were being detained because of their reporting.
Aung San Suu Kyi was barred from the top job but acts as Myanmar's de facto president The president of Myanmar Htin Kyaw has resigned, his office has announced. No reason was given, but there have ...
At a time when China talks regularly about brokering peace in conflict regions, a positive contribution in Myanmar would be ...