公开资料显示,恩考芬尼目前已经获美国FDA获批多项适应症,包括于2018年获批与比美替尼(binimetinib,Mektovi)组合疗法治疗带有BRAF ...
对于既往接受过治疗的患者(n=39),IRR确定的ORR为46%(95% CI:30,63),其中包括10%的CR和36%的PR。 经过额外10个月的随访,更新结果显示44%的患者至少维持12个月的缓解,mDOR为16.7个月(95% CI:7.4, ...
The European Commission has approved BRAFTOVI® and MEKTOVI® for treating advanced non-small cell lung cancer with the BRAFV600E mutation.
PTC 的遗传标记是 BRAF 基因中的一个特定突变,即 BRAFV600E 突变。存在这种基因突变的患者通常需要使用威罗菲尼这种针对此类突变的药物。但是大 ...
Exceptional Response of BRAFV600E-Mutated Acinar Cell CUP to BRAF/MEK Inhibition The following represents disclosure information provided by authors of this manuscript. All relationships are ...
We have summarized in this article the current state of combination therapy of approved targeted drugs and irradiation. Since the introduction of the first targeted compounds almost (trastuzumab ...
Tempus AI, Inc. (NASDAQ: TEM), a technology company leading the adoption of AI to advance precision medicine and patient care, today announced four ab ...
Personalized Medicine. 2013;10(4):405-412. The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict ...
It’s for people who have locally advanced bowel cancer with a gene change called BRAFV600E. Read more about A trial looking at targeted cancer drugs or chemotherapy before surgery for locally advanced ...