Baba Vanga, the renowned mystic from Bulgaria, has prophesied that a catastrophic war in Europe in 2025 will mark the start ...
Well-renowned seer Baba Vanga made a series of predictions for 2024 including horrific terror attacks. The so-called Nostradamus of the Balkans predicts world leaders ...
Here are the 15 predictions which Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates made in 1999 - and all of them have come true in the 25 ...
Baba Vanga, known as the “Nostradamus of the Balkans”, died 20 years ago but is believed to possess an uncanny ability to see into the future. The psychic grew up on a farm in what is now ...
Baba Vanga claimed her visions, which came about despite losing her eyesight as a child during a deadly storm which swept sand into her eyes, were 85% accurate. She's also prophesised 9/11 and the ...
Other than The Simpsons, rarely are people able to predict significant world events with any real sort of accuracy. Just ...
Baba Vanga, the blind Bulgarian clairvoyant, died 20 years ago in 1996 at the age of 85 from breast cancer. Before she died, she made many predictions such as the rise of the ISIS, the fall of the ...
Well-known Bulgarian mystic and healer Baba Vanga is famous for her accurate predictions, with some of her prophecies about ...
Amid the digital chaos, the truth is the first casualty. It must be revealed before it is too late. AI comes handy in the ...
Memories of the life and visions of the Balkan prophet Baba Vanga who was predicted the future of human kind and the world up to its end in the year 5079 Baba Vanga as an older woman tells how she ...