PARIS, Sept. 3 (Xinhua) — Zou Lijuan won the women's shot put F43 final at Stade de France on Tuesday, securing her second ...
艺术家戴安娜·科恩分享关于塑料污染对大海和我们日常生活严重影响的事实和一些想法,帮助大家来摆脱塑料包围圈。 I'm a visual artist, and I'm also one of the co-founders of the Plastic ...
X的大部分员工多年来一直在旧金山工作,该公司的前身是推特(Twitter),其全球总部也设在旧金山。随着该办公室本月即将关闭,员工们被分散到湾区的另外两个地点——圣何塞的一个较小的办公室和帕洛阿尔托的一个共享空间,马斯克旗下的人工智能初创公司 ...
In addition to the larger volume this apple season, Hunnyz™ will be available in more pack styles including tray pack, pouch ...
On Aug 29, Hangzhou Metro also launched a convenient umbrella rental service via QR code. By scanning a QR code with Alipay ...
特百惠由化学家Earl Tupper于1940年代创立,最初在百货商店销售其塑料容器时遇到困难。直到建议专栏作家Brownie Wise与Tupper合作,引入"派对计划"营销策略后,公司的命运才开始转变。
(美国商业资讯)-- SBC Medical Group Holdings Incorporated(简称“SBC Medical”或“公司”)是一家全球性美容治疗中心所有者、运营商和管理服务及产品提供商。Pono Capital Two, Inc.
Juliette Capillaire is the owner of women's clothing brand Juliette C, a French label with a timeless, rock chic style and ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...