I had to work while I was nine months pregnant. I was having sex with clients one week before giving birth,” said a Belgium ...
Since 2007, Jezebel has been the Internet's most treasured source for everything celebrities, sex, and politics...with teeth.
Consensual prostitution was already decriminalized in the European country but until now it existed under a legal gray area.
Thousands of children were forcibly taken from their families in Belgian colonies because they were mixed-race.
Under a new law in Belgium - the first of its kind in the world - this will now be the case. Sex workers will be entitled to ...
Belgium has signed laws protecting the right of sex workers including other approve welfare packages  similar to others ...
A new Belgian law addressing sexual and labor exploitation came into force on December 1. The law follows years of human ...
The new law guarantees fundamental rights for sex workers, including the ability to refuse clients, set the conditions of an ...
A groundbreaking law, which gives some sex workers greater labor protections and social benefits than similar legislation ...
Frustrated with mainstream parties and unable to return home, Romanians abroad are emerging as staunch supporters of ...