近日,广州医科大学附属第二医院研究团队的一项重大研究成果给广大自闭症患者及家庭带来了转机。他们开展的随机、双盲、安慰剂临床试验证实,我国自研菌株脆弱拟杆菌 BF839 能有效干预自闭症,而且安全性高。
Most of us know that taking ­probiotics – live bacteria and yeasts – can bring health benefits. For instance, if you’ve had a ...
2024年7月,佛山市第一人民医院邓裕华副研究员团队在 Gut (IF=23)发表了题为“Association of breast milk-derived arachidonic acidinduced infant gut dysbiosis with the onset of atopic dermatitis”的研究论文,该研究发现高浓度的花生四烯酸(AA)会诱导婴儿的肠道失调。在患有特 ...
Taking probiotics? Our gut health experts reveal the best to buy if you really want to see results for treating IBS, acne, ...
In a recent study published in Molecular Metabolism, researchers from the United Kingdom used germ-free murine models to ...
Babies could benefit if pregnant women are given "good bacteria", a report by academics suggests. Cambridge University says a ...
Unlike wine or tomatoes, breast milk's physiological properties have been honed by evolution to be healthy. In babies it can ...
If your dog has packed on a few too many pounds, they may benefit from taking daily probiotics. New research has identified ...
The editor at large of Hello! magazine shares her personal journey through the massive midlife hormonal change that women ...