中秋节是我国四大传统节日之一,而赏月是重要的习俗之一。提到“赏月”,相信不少人会说 watch the moon 或者是 look at the moon。 On Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese people like to ...
中秋节的英文可以是 Mid-Autumn Festival,mid- 指「中间的」,autumn 是「秋天」,可以很容易按字面判读它们结合在一起的含意,不过在英语世界裡,以月亮直接命名的 Moon Festival 似乎更为普遍与广泛使用。
根据传说,吴刚是一个普通的樵夫,对修仙十分着迷。他曾到深山中,请一位神仙当老师,学习仙术。 When we look up at the bright moon, we can see a black shadow on the moon, which is the legendary Wu Gang who is trying to cut down the sweet osmanthus ...
ABL生命保险(信用等级A)在次级债券需求预测中成功确保了目标额。20日,据投资银行(IB)业界透露,ABL生命以10年期满5年的购买选择权(早期偿还权)为条件,共募集了2000亿韩元,接到了2230亿韩元的收购订单。ABL生命提出了5.4%~6.0 ...
16:36:46 UT (±1min). Object size is around 1.5 meters and should appear as bright as the Moon momentarily as it burns up in the atmosphere. Approx visibility circle posted below. 1/pic.twitter ...
吃月饼是中秋节最为普遍的传统习俗之一,在中秋这一天,无论人们身处何方,都会尽量品尝月饼的美味,这象征着团圆和美满。 Eating mooncakes is one of the most common traditional customs. On this day, no matter where people are, they will try to taste the ...
徐工的全球同仁们: Dear Global Colleagues at XCMG, 山河无恙,月满人间。值此中秋佳节之际,我谨代表徐工集团、徐工机械董事会、党委和经营班子,向身处世界各地的徐工同仁们和广大家属们,致以最诚挚的敬意和节日问候!或许近在咫尺,或许远隔重洋,但我们 ...
作为中国文学史上最伟大的浪漫主义诗人,李白的一生贯穿了整个盛唐。他站在繁华盛世的诗歌巅峰,吟唱出了盛唐之歌的最高音。 余光中在一首《寻李白》的现代诗中写道: 酒入豪肠,七分酿成了月光 余下的三分啸成剑气 绣口一吐,就半个盛唐 李白绣口一吐,就是半个盛唐。我们从古老的建筑文物中,探寻着历史的余韵;从李白恢宏精妙的诗句中,感受着千年之前的盛唐气象。
上榜者的收入是通过对经纪人、律师、经理、业内高管和专家的采访,以及IMDBPro等数据来源估算得出。收入金额仅代表上榜者在2023年9月1日至2024年9月1日期间的税前收入,并按照行业惯例扣除了代理人的费用(经纪人10%、经理人10%和律师5%), ...
Pakistani guests told CEN that on the traditional occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, they ate cakes during the CIFTIS. Pakistani guests also partake in the time-honored custom of sharing mooncakes.
The energy was palpable as participants from various backgrounds gathered to partake in the festivities. The day's highlight was a hands-on Shaomai cooking workshop. Shaomai are a staple of Chinese ...