A British thriller featuring a legendary soap star has rocketed up the charts despite brutal reviews branding it 'so bad it's unbelievable'. Four-part series Cold Call, which was released five ...
A British political thriller fans called ‘the best TV show of the year’ will be returning for a second season (Picture: Marcell Piti/ Peacock via AP) A British political thriller starring ...
Meghan Markle's forgotten British movie Anti-Social has become available to watch for free. The 2015 thriller, which was co-produced between the UK and Hungary, focuses on a successful street ...
Not only is the film based on a hit crime novel by Sunday Times bestselling author Nicholas Searle, it also features the first on-screen collaboration of British icons Helen Mirren and Ian McKellen.
British shark thriller Something in the Water is now available to watch on Netflix. The film stars Outlander's Lauren Lyle, Killing Eve's Hiftu Quasem, The Larkins actor Natalie Mitson, Ellouise ...