在2008年金融危机爆发时,经济学家手忙脚乱。人之行为的复杂性和不可测量性使经济学家集体受挫。这虽然不是经济学第一次在“真实世界”跟前溃败,却也是从那以后,质疑经济学的呼声越来越密集。经济学怎么了?《大空头》(The Big ...
Ronald Coase received the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences in 1991 for his discovery and clarification of the significance of transaction costs and property rights for the institutional structure and ...
Coordination of economic activity in these imaginary worlds would be via prices/bargaining. Coase's observation: There are costs to using the price mechanism for coordinating economic activity.
Theme of the Lecture: when can institutions not improve efficiency? When can we not improve upon market outcomes? Coase Theorem: Efficiency and Bargaining -- closely related to value maximization.
Ronald Coase (1910-2013) was a British economist and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences. He received this award in 1991 for his discovery and clarification of the significance of ...
当时我并不理解,因为莫里斯并不是一位高产的经济学家。他说,是的,但篇篇经典!这与罗纳德•科斯(Ronald H.Coase)相仿。细读莫里斯的文章,确实感到他行文的大师风范,虽然字面上很随便,但很多有价值的思想已经包含在其中了。我想,这是他的文章 ...
Why not blame the US’ lack of planning on the fact that China is rising too fast? Ezra Vogel, the late revered scholar ...
Senate Resolution 44 urged the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) to postpone the planned phaseout of the traditional jeepneys (the Public Utility Vehicle Modernization ...
Congress needs to restore the FCC’s auction authority or the U.S. will lose its technological advantage.
As a Chicago Business Fellow, you’ll attend classes in the evenings or on weekends, enjoying the same transformative academic experience and powerhouse faculty as all MBA students at Booth. Chicago ...
Eastern Atlantic bluefin tuna up to 8ft long have been seen off the coast of Devon after conservation efforts brought ...
Manchester City's case will be heard amid the allegations from the Premier League they have breached 115 Financial Fair Play (FFP) regulations ...