金秋时节,石家庄市园林局在龙泉湖组织举办了第二届园林“微景观”制作大赛,来自我市园林系统单位及省内相关绿化企业、高校等31个单位参加此次比赛。本次活动将通过竞赛提升园林系统的创新意识,厚植城市生态底色,塑造城市生态活力,让城市更加宜居宜业。图为9月2 ...
秋风习习,白云舒卷,周末的河北正定国家乒乓球训练基地,因为青少年研学团的到来,变得热闹、欢腾起来。 “我想看看莎莎姐姐训练的地方。”“我想来这里打球!”孩子们举着球拍,雀跃地表达着自己的期待。基地主任樊志玉笑着说,很多乒乓球冠军当年来的时候,也跟他们一般大。这里不仅是“国乒福地、冠军摇篮”,更是河北省爱国主义教育基地、中外乒乓球文化交流的中心。“不少孩子就是在这里埋下了热爱乒乓球、为国争光的种子!
In the ever-evolving landscape of web technology, image formats play a crucial role in shaping user experience and website ...
Characterizing PVC compounds with torque rheometers and laboratory extruders can be complex—here, Thermo Fisher guides you ...
A Comprehensive Guide - Removing backgrounds from images is a crucial skill for many professionals, from graphic designers ...
中秋假期结束,开工第一天,发现台风“排班表”上又要多一个台风了,11、13、14、15、16……这都一口气要排到16号台风了啊啊啊! 先来看看台风们的“排班表”: ↑看看这前世是“摩羯”的残余环流,还在旋转…… ...
JPEG XL is an image compression format that brings better image quality and compression to older image formats like JPEG, PNG, and WebP.
The Brother scanner handles several media types, including plain paper, receipts, photos, business cards, plastic cards, and ...
据@杭州天气,在卫星云图上可以看到,它位于浙江沿海海面上,并不断向西移动。热带低压不断西进,导致昨天下午杭州出现分散性阵雨,并预计今天上午主城区、钱塘、萧山、临平、余杭、临安北部有中到大雨,部分暴雨,个别大暴雨,其他地区阴转中阵雨或雷雨,雷雨时局地有 ...
Generative artificial intelligence is transforming creative work in myriad ways, with AI features creeping into software for ...
Potential Tropical Cyclone 9 hasn't become a named storm - yet - but forecasters are warning Gulf Coast residents to prepare for a hurricane.