Scientists with the HESS Observatory have identified the most energetic cosmic electrons ever observed. What could this mean ...
New research reports the most powerful cosmic rays ever detected. Because the rays lose energy as they travel through space, ...
Five telescopes of the H.E.S.S.-collaboration in Namibia are used to study cosmic radiation, especially gamma radiation. With ...
They are affected by magnetic fields throughout the Universe and arrive at Earth from all directions. These particles also ...
A pulsar within a few thousand light-years of Earth could have accelerated electrons and positrons to the highest energies ...
The most powerful cosmic-ray electrons and positrons ever detected slamming into Earth's atmosphere carry energies so high ...
An international team of scientists has recorded the most powerful cosmic rays in the history of observations. The mysterious ...
Scientists from the CNRS, a consortium of German universities, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik working at the ...
Scientists have recently identified electrons and positrons with the highest energies ever recorded on Earth. They provide evidence of cosmic processes emitting colossal amounts of energy, the origins ...
Want to see cosmic rays? You might need a lot of expensive exotic gear. Nah. [The ActionLab] shows how a cup of coffee or cocoa can show you cosmic rays — or something — with just the right ...
which in turn generate a spectrum of electrons and positrons hard enough to achieve the PAMELA and ATIC signals, while safely avoiding the overproduction of cosmic-ray antiprotons. To accommodate ...
MACE telescope in Ladakh is a cutting-edge gamma-ray observatory aiding in dark matter research and high-energy astrophysics.