Researchers were inspired by the ray’s energy-efficient flappy fins.
It captures tiny, fast-swimming shrimp and other prey with a cavernous hood ... MBARI) Researchers first identified this fascinating animal in 2000 during a deep-sea dive in Monterey Bay with a remote ...
A number of other unrelated deep-sea species use this feeding strategy ... They move through these waters by flexing their body up and down to swim or simply drifting motionless with the currents.
"Deep-sea animals capture the imagination ... animals and environments found deep beneath the surface," said Robison. Swimming: Bathydevius caudactylus swims with up-and-down undulations of ...
Not having a swim bladder, the gas-filled organ to control ... "I get frustrated when people tell me we know nothing about the deep sea. We do. Things are changing really fast." ...
Bathydevius is a swimming sea slug that glows with bioluminescence and has a body with a paddle-like tail and a large gelatinous hood, and it’s the first sea slug found to live in the deep ocean.
Hypnotizing footage reveals a never-before-seen swimming sea slug that eats using ... publish the most comprehensive ...