Ever since the move to all-digital HDTV signals ... That means the days of attaching tin foil to an antenna's rabbit ears to improve reception on marginal stations are gone.
We sometimes get questions from News 8 viewers who have questions about the best antennas and tips for tuning in our signal over-the-air. Here’s some information we hope will help. Our Digital ...
I have had viewers move antenna 4 ft and improve signal level & stability. Digital is all or nothing, unlike analog where the signal would get snowy as signal level is reduced. Once the signal ...
CRYSTAL IMAGE & SOUND QUALITY : The smart tv digital antenna adapt signal amplifying booster technology to picks up signals up to 270+ miles range, filters out cellular and FM signals, resulting ...
Since satellites are always in different locations, it can be challenging to repeat a test environment for CRPA testing. Historically, testing Controlled Reception Pattern Antenna (CRPA) systems in a ...