While I was at Heatsync Labs in Mesa Arizona, [Nate] mentioned that he was really proud of helping someone build a robotic hand. I have tracked down that project because it looked pretty cool.
Based on the DLR Hand II, HIT (Harbin Institute of Technology) and DLR (German Aerospace Center) have jointly developed a multisensory robot hand. This hand, sold by Schunk as "SAH", demonstrates that ...
China's Shanghai Kepler Robotics is making waves in the world ... One of the most remarkable features of the K2 is its dexterous hands. Each hand supports up to 11 degrees of active and passive ...
In a world-first, CSIRO scientists have developed a soft robotic ‘hand’ to assist coral propagation efforts in laboratories. This robotic hand – attached to a coral farming robot called CHARM (Coral ...
The 3D-printed hand was initially trained using plastic balls Scientists have designed a robotic hand that can grasp and hold objects using only the movement of its wrist. The 3D-printed hand was ...
The robot hand took, on average, around four minutes to solve the Rubik's cube A remarkable robot, capable of solving a Rubik’s cube single-handedly, has demonstrated just how far robotics has ...
(Credit: Tatum Robotics) This also answers the question of why one would not just use a simple braille cell on a hand, as the signing speed is essential to keep up with real-time communications ...