The New Psychology of Success' explores the concept of growth mindset, which emphasizes that abilities and intelligence can ...
在孩子的学习旅程中,初中阶段是一个关键时期,它往往会影响到孩子的自信心和对学习的态度。不少家长担心,如果孩子在初一、初二的成绩不理想,是否还能在初三时赶上进度,完成学业逆袭。这时,“心学问”作为一家青少年心理教育的专业机构,可以为家长提供专业的指导和 ...
Building resilience allows you to navigate setbacks with greater confidence, adapt to change, and emerge more capable of ...
埃文·托马斯(EvanThomas)是罗伯特·F·肯尼迪(RobertF. Kennedy)与德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔(DwightD. Eisenhower)畅销传记的作者,另外还著有五六本其他书籍,都曾登上《纽约客》(TheNew Yorker)、《华盛顿邮报》(TheWashington Post)和《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)的书评版面。但是这一次,他的新作《身为尼克松:一个分裂 ...
“Graduates look for a sense of camaraderie, good working relationships and friendships. “Once settled in, they look for ...
In classrooms across the globe, educators are constantly evaluating their students' performance and engagement. Recently, a ...
A foundational book on the growth mindset, emphasizes how embracing challenges and learning from failure can lead to success.
Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Kerry ...
The author of The Fearless Organisation is righting the wrong. Tim Marsh takes a look at Amy Edmondson's new approach.
“Mindset traps can be subtle, often going unnoticed until they’ve already done damage, and they’re powerful because there’s ...
Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck would encourage us to champion a “growth mindset,” which allows for beliefs to ...