K8 customers will gain access to the Open ECX Next Generation EDI platform, which optimises and further automates customer ...
9月5日,全球出行科技企业亿咖通科技(纳斯达克股票代码:ECX)携手高性能与自适应计算领导企业AMD,共同祝贺领克旗下新豪华智享C级轿车领克Z10正式全球上市,全新领克Z10所搭载的亿咖通·马卡鲁计算平台(ECARX Makalu Computing ...
9月14日,亿咖通科技 (ECX)盘中上涨6.06%,截至00:08,报1.75美元/股,成交2.61万美元。 财务数据显示,截至2024年06月30日,亿咖通科技收入总额21.95亿人民币,同比增长26.41%;归母净利润-5.71亿人民币,同比减少52.12%。
ECARX Holdings Inc. (Nasdaq: ECX) (“ECARX” or the “Company”), a global mobility technology company, and AMD, the high performance and adaptive computing leader, ...
In the 1982 musical comedy-drama film ‘Annie’, Carol Burnett plays the role of Miss Hannigan. The film is based on the Little ...
The air cargo industry stands as a crucial pillar of global trade and economic development, with its indispensable role in ...
北京时间2024年09月14日00时07分,亿咖通科技(ECX.us)股票出现异动,股价大幅上涨6.06%。截至发稿,该股报1.75美元/股,成交量1.2286万股, 换手率 0.00%,振幅5.12%。
I shot my first roe when I was 13 or 14. The ground at home in Dumfries and Galloway is pretty wild, and as I set off ...
近日,全球出行科技企业亿咖通科技(纳斯达克股票代码:ECX)宣布与MulticoreWare建立战略性技术合作伙伴关系。双方将紧密合作,围绕亿咖通科技的智能驾驶解决方案,优化基于多核异构芯片上的软件算法和系统性能,提升智能驾驶系统的响应速度和准确性, ...
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