Tune in to ET Now to watch Cameron Brandt, Director of Research at EPFR Global, as he provides a comprehensive analysis of ...
The long only funds into India are still cautious but the tide is slowly beginning to turn encouraged by recent Budget, says Cameron Brandt, Director-Research, EPFR Global. Chinese markets have ...
Back then Greenspan’s Fed cut rates to 5.25% from 6% in just six months, cooling the economy without plunging it into a ...
And though markets are certainly celebrating, from where I sit, a lot of the good news that this rate cut could cement, i.e.
Investors pulled another $8.4 billion out of U.S.-based stock-market funds in the past week, according to BofA Global. Flows ...
2024年,对于中国股票市场而言,注定是一个光辉灿烂的年份。根据美国银行最新发布的报告引用EPFRGlobal数据,今年以来,中国股票基金吸引了高达916亿美元的资金流入,成为新兴市场股票基金中的最大赢家。这一现象不仅反映了全球投资者对中国市场的持续关注与信心,也为未来的投资趋势提供了重要的指引。 中国股票基金在新兴市场中的吸引力无疑是值得关注的,这一资金流入量占据了新兴市场股票基金的绝大部分,其 ...
Time and again, Wall Street’s risk-taking brigade has turned a deaf ear to Federal Reserve policy machinations and shifting ...
Equity funds recorded a collective inflow of $17.7 billion during the week ending Feb. 28 while commitments to bond funds came in at a modest $2.4 billion, according to data from EPFR Global in ...
观点网讯: 9月14日, 美国银行 发布的报告援引EPFR Global数据指出,2024年以来,中国股票基金吸引了高达916亿美元的资金流入,成为新兴市场股票基金中的最大赢家。同期,印度股票基金也吸引了203亿美元,而巴西则出现了32亿美元的资金流出。
然而,本周金价创下历史新高,而10年期美国国债收益率触及15个月低点,这两种市场走势都可以被解读为经济恶化的信号。尽管消费者物价数据好于预期,劳动力市场相对健康,但这表明未来货币政策应该谨慎行事。前纽约联储主席威廉·杜德利和摩根大通的迈克尔·费罗利等 ...