Does your routine have you feeling like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day: stuck in an infinite loop? You wake up, go to the gym, ...
2023 年,真格基金天使轮投资月之暗面。创始人杨植麟博士是国内顶尖的 AI 研究者。他曾在 Meta 和 Google Brain 任职,是 Transformer-XL 与 XLNet 等重量级论文的第一作者。 月之暗面是一家 AIGC ...
The study is the first to look at the principle of “entropy increase” as a theoretical basis for assessing the link between ...
有一个物理学名词,熵增定律。 熵(Entropy),起初是一个热力学函数,后发展为系统混乱程度的度量。熵增,表示系统的无序性或混乱度的增加。 熵增定律揭露了一个残酷的现实:在一个孤立的系统当中,熵(混乱程度)总是增加的,最终达到最大的无序、混乱状态。
Canadian CCS developer Entropy sees carbon-abated baseload power as critical growth market, and will be the first to have a ...
A new study in Australia finds that travel may have positive health benefits and could slow down signs of aging. Next time ...
The ion's pathway is strongly influenced by a process that is ubiquitous across bio- and electrochemistry: ions need to ...
摘要:本月权益市场整体表现较差。贝壳财经中诚信美丽中国ESG指数下跌1.55%,贝壳财经中诚信碳中和指数下跌3.64%,CCX1800指数下跌1.13%(CCX1800是满足中诚信指数可投性定义且市值排名在前1800名的股票,该指数相对更能表征当月市 ...
Your brain is biologically wired for memes. Here's what they reveal about how we process social cues and adapt to cultural ...
相关成果以“高熵非共价环肽玻璃(High-entropy non-covalent cyclic peptide glass)”为题,于2024年8月26日发表于《自然?纳米技术》(Nature Nanotechnology)期刊上 图 高熵非共价环肽玻璃的形成机制 在国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:22025207、22232006、22172172)等资助下 ...
The findings of a recently published study suggest travel could slow or delay the aging process, along with having other ...