在音符交织的世界中,乐器不仅仅是演奏工具,更是每位音乐人表达情感的媒介。正如Epiphone品牌的宣传语所言:“每一次拨弦,都是与灵魂的对话。”对于无数音乐爱好者而言,Epiphone的乐器就如同他们的年轻时光,承载着无数回忆与梦想。最近,1701 Music Store推出了新款的Epiphone吉他,让我们一探这位业内巨擘的魅力所在。
Epiphone has served up another doozie from ... The Tak Matsumoto 1955 Les Paul Standard is available now in Japan and from ...
What is it? When we think of mythical creatures, a few immediately jump to mind: the Basilisk, Chimera, Banshee, Griffin and, ...
Epiphone is offering the Les Paul Tribute in Ebony, Vintage Sunburst and Heritage Cherry Sunburst, with an Aqua version available direct from Gibson, either online or at the Gibson Garage in ...