Coelacanths are deep-sea fish that live off the coasts of southern Africa and Indonesia and can reach up to two meters in ...
Australian lungfish are known to be ultra-survivors, but this lungfish is pushing the boundaries even for its own kind. At ...
Climate change and asteroids are linked with animal origin and extinction—and plate tectonics also seems to play a key ...
Are the world's oldest 'living fossil' coelacanths still evolving? Groundbreaking fossil research links plate tectonics with ...
In 2009, while examining an old quarry, Charles Ver Straeten, the curator of sedimentary rocks at the New York State Museum, ...
Coelacanth fossils like these are useful because two known coelacanth species are still alive today. They are likened to ...
Now, a new theory as to which came first has been suggested by researchers at the University of Bristol’s School of Earth ...
Researchers have discovered a well-preserved Devonian coelacanth fish in Western Australia, shedding light on the connection ...
By protecting 0.7% of Earth's land, we can save one-third of endangered tetrapods species. The zones house unique species ...
Some argue the eggs came first - laid by dinosaur ancestors of the fluffy, squawky bird that funds establishments such as KFC ...
Today, the living coelacanth Latimeria (Sarcopterygii: Actinistia) is an iconic, so-called ‘living fossil’ within one of the ...