What if farmers could not only prevent excess phosphorus from polluting downstream waterways, but also recycle that nutrient as a slow-release fertilizer, all without spending a lot of money?
Kentucky Fertilizer, is excited to announce the launch of two innovative products designed specifically for the turf industry: mini-lime pellets and mini-gypsum pellets. These new offerings are ...
Children and pets are more vulnerable to harm from nitrates in fertilizer since they're more likely to pick up a pellet of the granular variety and eat it or play on grass treated with the liquid form ...
are concerned about an Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) decision that clears the way for the construction of a storage facility for fertilizer pellets that contain dried human waste. Family farm ...
Kellogg now uses a strip till machine that knifes fertilizer pellets 8 inches into the soil — deep enough that heavy rains won't wash it away. He plants cover crops that strengthen the soil so ...