马丁·里昂在《19世纪法国读者与社会:工人、女性和农民》中,为读者呈现了19世纪法国社会围绕着阅读这一媒介而产生的控制、顺从与反抗。如副标题所示,作者选取了工人、女性和农民这三个于19世纪才踉跄着进入印刷文字阅读领域的读者群体为研究对象,探究了代表着 ...
扫码咨询2024年新航道秋季班September 30, 2024雅思作文真题直击  |  | ...
以色列上周五空袭了贝鲁特南郊,炸死了真主党领导人哈桑·纳斯鲁拉。 David Guttenfelder for The New York Times ...
首先,要防止通胀冲击的蔓延,就意味政府要进行更多干预。这一点可能与我们在新自由主义经济学课上学到的有所冲突。但是我们不能完全忽视价格信号。比如2022年,面对欧洲天然气价格的大幅上涨,很多市场派政客认为应该让市场这只“看不见的手”自己去操控,然后再看 ...
推动非洲发展的非政府组织Abantu人员拉比巴雷瓦(Rabia ...
Over the centuries, the oceans have become the battlefield of the greatest sea powers. Through unpublished archival images and 3D models, the naval battles that made history are explored.
With an average annual growth rate of 12.4 percent since 2021, the added value of China's patent-intensive industries reached ...
For years, archaeologists have been fascinated by the statue with a lion's body and human head. To discover the mysteries of the Sphinx, the team go inside the magnificent monument.