Disney's “Frozen,” the beloved animated film, has successfully made its way to the stage at The Music Hall in Portsmouth with ...
Tucson Symphony Orchestra's latest cineconcert this weekend will have you humming the Disney blockbuster film's soundtrack.
Break out the Elsa costume, brush up on the lyrics to “Let It Go” and head for the Reilly Theatre. Playmakers of Baton ...
and all the songs you know and love, starring Samantha Barks as Elsa. Even the biggest Frozen fans will be in for some surprises, as the production features brand-new music from Kristen Anderson ...
Samantha Barks (Elsa, left) and Stephanie McKeon (Anna ... darkest period for theatre in living memory, one of Frozen's most famous songs will feel particularly fitting when the show opens ...
Songs are plentiful ... by the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend – filmmakers have confirmed that in Frozen 2 Elsa will not be romantically linked to anyone, woman or man. “Like the first movie ...
Songs made famous ... Caissie Levy (Anna and Elsa) pictured at the Broadway launch Kristen Anderson-Lopez feels strongly that the musical should remind audiences that Frozen is a relatable story ...